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  • April 21, 2017

    SheLift 2017 Ski Retreat

    So proud of these ladies!! Icelantic was honored to have the opportunity to be part and witness such radness with SheLift. Please watch and share if you like!

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  • March 25, 2015

    Earlyups - Owen Leeper Interview

    Icelantic athelte Owen Leeper has been all over the radar this past season.  Recently he was just featured on with a sweet little interview peice.  Below is the full interview featured on their site.  Scope out   These...

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  • March 20, 2015

    Freeskier Test Recap - Aspen

    For the last several years Freeskier Magazine has been doing their annual ski test in Aspen. Each year the event gets better and better and over the past couple seasons the event has been blessed by Ullr with more and more snow! This year's test brought the best brands out to show off their stuff while enjoying everything from epic storm skiing to fun in the sun. Here are some photos that pretty well sum things up. Kaylin Richardson joined the party for a couple days with Scotty VerMerris, Ashley Hart and Alexandra Wand. We got pitted and we partied! Each one of the Icelantic skis tested well, be sure to check out the reviews in the Freeskier Magazine Buyers's Guide in September.


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