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Earlyups - Owen Leeper Interview

Icelantic athelte Owen Leeper has been all over the radar this past season.  Recently he was just featured on with a sweet little interview peice.  Below is the full interview featured on their site.  Scope out   These days it takes some pretty big balls and skills to match to stand out in the big mountain freeski world. Despite over segmentation of the comp scene, record warm temps and low snowfall, Leeper found a way to do just that, stand out. Between the tail end of last season and this season Owen has ticked off more big lines in the greater Teton area than most do in a lifetime including the Grand Teton, a number of other bigger lines in the park and just about every iconic line the JHMR sidecountry (and in bounds) offers We caught up with Colorado native, shared a beer and talked skiing…(click the soundcloud embed below) Earlyups – Where did you grow up? Owen Leeper – I grew up in both Aspen and Ouray eventually heading to school at CU-Boulder. After graduation in 2007 I moved back to Aspen before moving to Jackson last season. Earlyups – Where do you work? Owen Leeper – I work at the Local (restaurant in Jackson) as a server. Earlyups – How do you spend your summers? Owen Leeper – I ski until there isn’t snow any longer then climb and ride bikes. (still working as a server all the while) (for more check the audio interview bits below.)


Leeper’s Line of the winter and 3 minutes of our interview, including him walking us through this line, below….

Owen’s Edit from Last season from Jackson Hole


Part two of the interview, Owen discusses in bounds vs out of bounds, how he honed his air awareness and more...

Owen’s Setup:

  • In Bounds Setup – 191 Icelantic Nomad Mounted +3 from the suggested point – FKS Binder – Lange RX130 DIN setting at 14
  • BC Setup – 188 Icelantic Vanguard – Dynafit Radical w Dynafit Vulcan
  • Powder Day – 191 Icelantic Gypsy
  • Bold Poles
  • Always mounts between “BC” and “CC” for ease of jump turns, flips and spins
  • Wears back protector if not wearing  a pack, always a helmet – he’s cracked 3 of them so far.
  • Skis with a BCA airbag.

Part three: Ski goals and how Owen trains

A trip we were lucky enough to take with Leeper – Fairy Meadow.

Thanks for your time Owen! We’ll leave you with this one of him going LARGE off an iconic air in the JH sidecountry…

Leeper sending fatter basttard

Leeper sending fatter basttard!

Now send him to film with PBP by voting for him  HERE!

Interview originally posted by Earlyups. - Scope it here --->
Previous article Low Snow High Vibes - Early Season Expression With Icelantic's Hayden Price & Photos By: Chris Whitaker

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