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  • November 26, 2017

    Early Season Maiden111 Voyage - Chasing November Powder In Idaho With Amy David

    Icelantic's Amy David tells us about her first powder days of the season on the new Maiden 111.   "November is the time of year we return to winter. Although it happens every year, each time feels like a new “Maiden voyage” into the ski season. The anticipation for the first skiable snowfall builds, and the first round of powder turns transmits a deep energy throughout the ski community. My first turns of the season commenced on the summit of Galena Pass adjacent to Sun Valley, Idaho."

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  • April 8, 2017

    Sawtooths Shred to Hot Springs Soak on the Nomad Lite 105 With Amy David

    The Idaho mountains caught my attention a few summers ago, and this winter I felt a magnetic pull to the majestic Sawtooth Range. Imagine the mountains of Patagonia and Alaska had a baby… that’s the Sawthooths in my mind. The mountain ranges surrounding Sun Valley, Idaho have accumulated a snowpack ranking as the third deepest on record which means many zones that are normally un-ridable have been dubbed the green light. Early season, we ticked off laps in the burn, Grumpy’s and Hourglass along the side-country of Sun Valley Resort. While the rare depths of the Wood River powder was a treat, my gut was yearning for the rugged spires of the Sawtooth backcountry. Skiing there is relatively remote, takes a strong physical effort and quality ski partners. Lucky for me, I’ve been adventuring with Sun Valley local backcountry skier/sledder extraordinaire, Jeremy Lato with all the insider beta on the area. This blog takes you along my ski adventures to Boyscout, Sickle, Gun Barrel, Outer Space and Petzholdt Couloirs, and the elusive North East face of Hortsmann Peak, “The Shield.” I rode the Nomad Lite 105 ski providing the freeride style on the descent with incredible light weight to fly up the skin track.

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  • January 8, 2015

    Hayden Price's 'Wild Life' Episode 2 - Friends Celebrating The New Year In Nature

    Here's what happens when a group of besties decides that being together as a group once a year for Burning Man just isn't enough. This episode of Hayden Price's 'Wild Life' captures the fun he and this group of friends had overnight in the Idaho backcountry celebrating the New Year in nature and in style. RETURN TO NATURE - Enjoy! - "Wild Life 2 follows a group of friends in the Idaho backcountry for an overnight hut trip. The snow was amazing and we enjoyed all the comforts of winter hut life. No crazy skiing just good vibes, skiing is about having fun!" -Hayden Price.

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