Icelantic Skis Brings Home The Captain's Cup Again
This past week Icelantic's Scotty VerMerris proudly received "the most prestigious award in skiing" at Powder Magazine's Powder Week, The Captain's Cup. This coveted award is given to the person at Powder Week that most embodies the spirit of Captain Powder, the love for skiing, and all the good times that come with it.
Captain Powder is the mascot of Powder Magazine, the alter-ego of Dave Moe the co-founder of the magazine, a legend in the Powder world. Those who win the Captain's Cup are chosen by the former winning Captain's who look for the individuals who carry on the spirit and also elevate this annual week long event often referred to by attendees as "the best week of the ski season".
(Scotty on top holding the cup with the former Captain's Matt Sterbenz, Matt Berkowitz, Annelise Loevlie, Luke Jacobson, Jake Strassburger.)
This is not the first time a member of our team has won the Captain's Cup. Icelantic CEO Annelise Loevlie was the first and only lady to win the cup so far 3 years ago. Icelantic happens to be the only brand to ever have two winners, so hooray for the genuine passion for skiing with friends and loving life on and off the hill that our people at Icelantic can't help but live by.
So congratulations Scotty and to all of those skiers out there that elevate the pack. Wave your flag every day and carry your cup proudly. There's a Captain in all of us!
Below is a video of Dave Moe and his brother Jake, talking about founding Powder Mag and the birth of Captain Powder.

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